Masuk Daftar

sama banyak bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "sama banyak"
  • sama:    alike; as broad as it is long; coequal;
  • banyak:    a great deal of; a lot; a lot of; a multitude of;
  • dibagi sama banyak:    gone fifty-fifty; went fifty-fifty
  • banyak:    a great deal of; a lot; a lot of; a multitude of; a pack of; abound; abundance; abundant; bags of; great deal; many; much; nose a few; numerous; plentiful; plenty; so many of; so much; substantial;
  • sama:    alike; as broad as it is long; coequal; congruous; correct; equal; equivalent; identic; identical; same; uniform; as; common; comparable; corresponding; ditto; even; fifty-fifty; like; square; tanta
  • banyak-banyak:    handsomely; liberally
  • sama-sama:    neck and neck; every bit; conjointly; equally; you’re welcome; collectively; accompany; jointly; together with; together; as; you're welcome
  • memberi banyak-banyak:    lavish
  • membubuhkan banyak-banyak:    plaster with; plastered with; plastering with; plasterred with
  • memuati banyak-banyak:    cloy; cloyed; cloying
  • berunding sama-sama:    laid heads together; lay heads together; laying heads together
  • ikut sama-sama:    follow; go together; accompany
  • jalan sama-sama:    accompany; go together; follow
  • sama sekali sama:    every bit as
  • sama-sama ambil berat:    lay equal stress on
  • He's gone as much as I am, so... it'sperfect.
    Dia pergi sama banyak denganku, jadi... itu sempurna.
  • Daddy, uh, Clark and I work together a lot.
    Ayah, eh, Clark dan aku bekerja sama banyak.
  • At the same time, many women have been victimized.
    Pada saat yang sama, banyak perempuan telah menjadi korban.
  • Syd, we've been working together a lot of years.
    Syd , kami telah bekerja sama banyak tahun .
  • I'm as much to blame for this as you.
    Saya sama banyak untuk menyalahkan untuk ini karena Kamu.
  • As much as anybody in a collapse.
    Sama banyak dengan semua dalam kejatuhan .
  • So this is as much your problem as it is mine.
    Jadi masalahmu ini hampir sama banyak sepertiku.
  • So we know as much as each other.
    Jadi kita tahu sama banyak.
  • He's got about as much I.D. As we do -- squat.
    Dia tahu sama banyak dengan kita-- nol besar.
  • Well, then, you share the debt equally.
    Jadi kalian berbagi utang sama banyak.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5